
SOHLS Downloads

To view, left-click. To download, right-click and select “save link as.”

Speaker Training Booklet


Downloads for video screens

To view video, left-click. To download, right-click and select "save link as."

To download, right-click on each link and select “save link as.” To view each slide, left-click and use the left and right arrows to scroll through.

Client Story Slide

Care Net Promotional Slides

Program Slides


You may choose whichever flyers apply to your location for your display board, on bulletin boards, plastic frames, or in whatever format works best for your display.
To view each printable, click left and use the left and right arrows to scroll through.
To download, right-click on each link and select “save link as.”

Display Table Signage


SOHLS Baby Bottle Drive

You may choose whichever flyers apply to your location for your display board, on bulletin boards, plastic frames, or in whatever format works best for your display.
To view each printable, click left and use the left and right arrows to scroll through.
To download, right-click on each link and select “save link as.”

Baby Bottle Drive Bulletin Ad

Baby Bottle Drive Wall Flyer

Baby Bottle Drive Slide


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