Free and Confidential Services
24/7 Helpline: 1-877-668-2566
Pregnancy Testing
Options Consultations: Abortion, Adoption, Parenting
Limited Ultrasounds
Limited STD Testing
Medical Consultations
Prenatal Classes
Parenting Classes and Mentoring
Fatherhood Support
Maternity and Baby Supplies (from pregnancy until child turns four years old)
Post-Abortive Support
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support
Relationship Education for Schools, Churches and Communities
Community Referrals and Resources
total clients served in 2023
ultrasounds performed in 2023
Our Leadership
"For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ."
1 Corinthians 3:11

Dave Mitchell
Dave Mitchell has been serving as Executive Director of Care Net of Puget Sound since November 2021 following the retirement of Kim Triller who served for 27 years as Executive Director.
Dave began his career at Herman Miller, Inc. in Zeeland, Michigan, where he served for almost 20 years including five years as E-Commerce Director. He went on to work as Chief Executive Officer and President of Computer Human Interaction, an award-winning software company.
Dave has extensive leadership, not only in the for-profit world but also in non-profit organizations. Prior to coming to Care Net, Dave served for eight years at Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission as COO and Interim President.
Dave is a leader who is passionate about loving his family, serving in his local church and working in collaboration with others to bring the hope of Jesus to our communities.