Compassionate, Practical Care for Women and Families

Sharing Truth and Life-affirming Resources Since 1982

Offering Hope to Thousands Through 8 Medical Clinics

Care Net offers hope by providing compassionate practical care, accurate information, biblical truth, and life-affirming resources for pregnancy, sexual health & integrity, and abortion recovery.

Satisfaction rating from clients who completed an exit survey
Clients served in 2023
Times we prayed with clients last year
Professions of faith in 2023

We exist to provide life-affirming care to women and families through the hope of Jesus Christ.

Choosing Life

Over 90% of women who see an ultrasound at Care Net choose life for their unborn child.

Hear Why Our Donors Give!


Special thanks to Tacoma Bible Presbyterian Church for their outpouring of love. These gifts will bless our clients so much. 

#grateful #blessed #thankful
"Let all things now living a song of thanksgiving to God the Creator triumphantly raise." – Katherine K. Davis

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Care Net of Puget Sound.

#gratitute #thanksgiving #happythanksgviving

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