CNPS’s 2022 Light & Life Dinner

The righteous give and don’t hold back (Proverbs 21:26b), and that is what we saw at our Light and Life Celebration Dinner on March 19th. 

Over 700 people gathered at the Tacoma Convention Center to learn about what God is doing at Care Net, celebrate our volunteers and laugh with Comedian Mike Williams. Some of the most impactful moments of that night were the stories – stories about women who chose life for their children because they found support and help at Care Net of Puget Sound! 

Babies like Emilio (pictured below) are here today because of God’s work through God’s people! 

When the chance came for you to further this work in serving more women and families, you gave with incredible generosity! In one night, our attendees gave over $200,000, and thanks to our wonderful sponsors, every single dollar is going to go toward serving clients. 

Thanks to your gifts, more women like Jordanne are going to be spared from the pain of abortion and babies like Emilio will be given life!

This work is only made possible through your generosity, so thank you to each one of you who gave so generously to make this incredible night possible. 

Plans are underway for our 2023 banquet and if you’d like to learn about how you can sponsor this incredible evening, email us at 

Or, make a gift today by clicking HERE

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Tasha’s Journey: From Abortion Decision to Loving Adoption

When “Tasha” visited our Care Net of Puget Sound clinic, she was faced with a difficult decision and felt isolated and fearful. With abortion seeming like her only option, she was overwhelmed by the thought of an unsupported pregnancy.  Our dedicated client advocate provided a compassionate space for Tasha to share her concerns. During their […]

Creative Ways to Support Life: Beyond Traditional Giving

For the 3rd year in a row, Care Net of Puget Sound (a non-profit ministry serving the Seattle/Tacoma area) has been named a Best Christian Workplace!

Want to Support Life? Attend a Care Net 101

Not sure how to promote life? We’ll show you how! Every year in Washington, over 16,000 lives are lost to abortion. And after the overturning of Roe, the need has only grown (read more here). Leaders in our state have taken steps to protect abortion at all costs and turn our state into a “sanctuary […]