Providing Free Pregnancy Help in a Post-Roe Era

June 24, 2023 marks the 1st anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision that overturned Roe v. Wade and gave states the authority to ban or restrict abortions. While this ruling had virtually no impact on Washington State’s abortion access, we celebrate that this ruling acknowledged the value of unborn life in a way that had not been seen in our country in almost 50 years. 

Since that ruling, a lot has changed across our country and our state in regard to abortion. While some states have moved to restrict abortion, Washington State leaders have virtually rolled out the red carpet for abortion in our state, pledging that our state will be a “sanctuary” state for women seeking abortion. In fact, Govenor Inslee recently signed a budget investing $21M of taxpayer dollars in abortions. 

But despite these moves to protect and enshrine abortion at all costs, God is still moving in a mighty way through the ministry of Care Net of Puget Sound as we support life and provide free pregnancy help.  

Unplanned Pregnancy Help that Supports Life 

In 2022, we experienced a 33% increase in clients, serving almost 10,000 people! More importantly, we prayed a lot with our clients and were given the opportunity to share the gospel almost 700 times.  

In 2023, we continue to pray. The Care Net of Puget Sound Prayer team now totals over 1,200 people, and God continues to answer our prayers. Through the first five months of 2023, the number of clients we have served is up an additional 24% (on top of the 33% increase from 2022). Prayers with clients are also up 24% over 2022 numbers.  Care Net of Puget Sound has also increased connections with life-affirming churches. In the past 12 months, more than 100 churches have joined with Care Net to support life and provide women free pregnancy help.  

Pro life Donations are still making a difference in Washington State

As we watch political leaders and members of media promote abortion and oppose offering women life-affirming, free pregnancy help, I hope you are encouraged, knowing that God continues to be with us, and He is greater in us than anyone in the world around us (1 John 4:4).  

No matter what is happening at the national, state or local level, He is continuing His work through the pregnancy resource centers of Care Net of Puget Sound in Washington State to bring hope and life-affirming care to women and families in our communities, through your partnership of time, talent and treasure to do it. And we have an opportunity to let generations know what God did through the work of his people’s consistent prayer, advocacy, and service.  

Your Preborn donations make a difference

Thank you for your important role as together we support life, bring hope and provide unplanned pregnancy help to our communities through the power of Jesus Christ. 

You can further your impact today by making a prolife donation, joining our team or becoming a prayer partner.  

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Not This One: Praying for Women Considering Abortion in Their Moment of Need

The phone rang. When our receptionist picked it up, the woman on the other end of the phone (we’ll call her Nora) asked about the abortion pill. We explained to Nora that we don’t offer abortions but explained to her the services we do offer. Nora thanked us but responded she’d be going to an abortion clinic. […]

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