Ayana’s Story: How Life-Affirming Care Changes Everything

Every day, our team of nurses and advocates interact with women who are overwhelmed and frightened by an unplanned or unsupported pregnancy. 

Whether it’s due to finances, an unsupportive father of the baby, unsupportive family, shame about the pregnancy, school concerns or any number of reasons, in desperation, these women think abortion is their only option.  

We at Care Net of Puget Sound are here to offer the care and support they need to understand that abortion is not their only option. By providing hope, compassionate, life-affirming care and practical support, we help them choose life

And that’s what happened just this past week with “Ayana.”  

Ayana’s Story of Choosing Life

Ayana (name changed for privacy) first reached out to us through our newly launched 24/7 nurse chat. She was overwhelmed by the news of her pregnancy and was planning on taking the abortion pills. 

She scheduled an ultrasound with us so she could date her pregnancy which would help her know if she was early enough to take the abortion pills.  

She was sure abortion was her only option.   

When our advocate sat with Ayana in our clinic and listened to her story, we learned about all the barriers Ayana was facing in choosing life.  

Ayana was visiting America from her home country when she found out she was pregnant. When she told her husband the news, they were both overwhelmed.  

They already had 3 young children and had no idea how they could afford another child. Her husband told her he’d support whatever decision she made. Even though abortion is not allowed in their religion, out of desperation, they decided they’d have one. Ayana began researching abortion and found Care Net of Puget Sound.  

We were able to share with Ayana all the resources available to her in the Puget Sound area, many of which she had no idea existed.  

When we began to discuss her other pregnancy options, that’s when things began to change. 

As we shared with Ayana about the option of adoption, her heart began to shift.  

She hadn’t considered that while she and her husband did not feel ready for another child, she could choose life for her baby and place her child in a loving home. 

She hadn’t considered how she could do an open adoption and have a relationship with her child and the adoptive parents.  

It was clear that Ayana was deep in thought, but then she turned to our advocate and said she knew there were so many people out there who want babies but cannot have them and would love to raise this baby.  

With confidence Ayana said she wants to carry and give a couple the gift of a child.

As she met her child through ultrasound, Ayana smiled and covered her mouth as she giggled with joy.  With tears in her eyes, she hugged her advocate and thanked her for taking care of her. 

As Ayana explores adoption referrals, finds insurance and navigates this pregnancy, we’ll be with her every step of the way – ensuring she has the support and care she needs.

Stories that make it all worth it

At the end of another election season, with all the negativity surrounding us on social media and online, these are the stories that remind us why we’re in this work together.  

Without your support, Ayana would never have found the care and support she needed to choose life, and her story could have had a very different ending.  

On behalf of all of us at Care Net of Puget Sound, we’d like to say thank you. 

Thank you for helping women like Ayana find the support they need to choose life!  

We couldn’t do this work without you.  

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