Samuel’s Story: A Story of Fatherhood

“Samuel” reached out to our men’s programs in desperate need of support.  

Through some unfortunate circumstances, he unexpectedly became the sole guardian of his 6-month old child. He was overwhelmed, and didn’t have the supplies he needed to care for his little one. He didn’t even have a way to feed his baby.  

We were able to quickly meet some of his practical needs, and gave him formula, diapers, a car seat, and other things that he needed. Samuel started taking classes. At first he and his mentor focused on building basic practical skills for caring for a baby. Samuel gradually grew in confidence in his ability to raise his child on his own. However, he recognized that it would take more than basic skills to provide a loving, stable environment. Samuel wanted to become the best father that he could, something that he had not had the benefit of growing up.  

Samuel asked to go through our Fatherhood curriculum with his mentor. They talked about what fatherhood meant to him, what faith meant to him, and what kind of an example he wanted to be for his child as a leader for his family. 

A Place for Fathers

At Care Net of Puget Sound, Samuel found the practical support he needed to become the best father he can be for his baby.  

Our program offers valuable courses, such as car seat safety and infant CPR, empowering new fathers like Samuel to embrace their role as their child’s protector and caregiver. With the help of a skilled mentor, Samuel was equipped with evidence-based resources that enriched his new parent’s toolkit and welcomed him into the world of parenting. Our fatherhood lessons help dads think about the kind of father they want to be. The best dads find a balance between setting rules for their child and being caring. They show love and warmth, while also making sure children have the right boundaries to grow and do well. 

Samuel’s story attests to the impact of men’s programs on the lives of fathers and their children. 

Want to help support dads in your community?

Help us meet our goal of “men helping men become great fathers” in each of our centers by:

Thank you for your support!

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