An update from our Executive Director, Dave Mitchell:
Recently, I was working with our Operations team to review our statistics for the first 8 months of the year.
If you are a numbers person like me, you can appreciate the joy of looking at spreadsheets and celebrating growth. And wow, has God allowed Care Net of Puget Sound to see incredible growth in 2024!
Through January-August of this year, God has given us the opportunity to serve 10,792 individuals! To put that in perspective, that’s a 27% increase from 2023 – about the same number we served all of last year!
Here are some other highlights:
- So far this year, our Healing Tide team (both post-abortive support and pregnancy and infant loss) have offered hope and healing to over 1,300 people.
- Ultrasounds are up from 739 through first 8 months of 2023, to 923 in same time frame for 2024. This is an increase of 28%
- An increase of over 30% in women considering abortion coming to us for life-affirming care and life-changing ultrasounds.
- Prayer with clients also set a new record with a monthly high of 481 times we prayed with our clients!
- In the first 8 months of this year, God has allowed us to witness 20 rededications/professions of faith, compared to 12 during all of last year.
Celebrating Growth in Life Affirming Care
We celebrate this growth not because it makes us look good, or because it gives us a bragging point. We celebrate this growth because behind each one of these numbers is a person. A person made in the image of God, with unique needs, a unique story who we’ve had the chance to care for, support, inform and show God’s love.
We also celebrate this growth because it is a representation of YOUR partnership with us to make this growth possible. You’ve probably heard us say this before, this ministry is God’s work, God’s way through God’s people for God’s glory.
Your Partnership Makes this Possible!
We know for certain that we could not have seen this incredible growth if it wasn’t for:
- The 1,400 plus people committed with us in prayer.
- The 500+ volunteers who have donated over 11,000 hours of service so far this year.
- The 300+ churches who partner with us in ministry.
- And each of you, who has made an investment in this life-changing and life-saving work.
Through the past 42 years of ministry, and Lord-willing many more to come, we know that growth may continue to ebb and flow. We will go through seasons of abundance and scarcity. We will go through seasons of blessings and seasons of trials.
But through all of that we know that God will continue to use His people’s investment in this ministry to allow us to excel in every good work (2 Corinthians 9:2).
From all of us at Care Net of Puget Sound, thank you for being a part of this work.
With gratitude and in Him,
Dave Mitchell
Executive Director
Care Net of Puget Sound