Are Pregnancy Resource Centers Only Pro-birth?

The Truth About Pregnancy Resource Centers 

One of the most common accusations thrown at life-affirming or pro-life individuals and pregnancy resource centers is that we are simply “pro-birth” — that we only care about babies in utero and not about women facing very real financial, relational, and emotional challenges. 

If you have been a part of the Care Net of Puget Sound community for any period of time, I hope you know that in our work to support life and care for women, nothing could be further from the truth. 

Let me share the story of our client Mayra. 

A Client Needing Unplanned Pregnancy Help 

When Mayra found out she was facing an unplanned pregnancy with her third child, she was scared. Mayra and her boyfriend Tony had just broken up. The thought of being a single mom of three terrified her. 

When Mayra told Tony she was pregnant, the two argued and ultimately decided to have an abortion. But before scheduling an abortion, they decided to google “free pregnancy tests” and that’s when they found Care Net of Puget Sound, a pregnancy resource center providing unplanned pregnancy help

The pregnancy test confirmed what Mayra already knew — she was pregnant. She asked her client advocate Shannon if she could schedule an abortion. Shannon kindly explained Care Net does not offer or refer for abortions, and shared all the free pregnancy help Care Net could offer her at no cost and no insurance needed: 

  • Parenting classes from now until her child turns 4; 
  • Material support for maternity and/or baby supplies; 
  • Childbirth education classes; 
  • Referrals for prenatal care or adoption; 
  • Referrals for housing and medical insurance; 
  • Referrals to life-affirming churches; 
  • And, most importantly, a hand to hold during this unplanned pregnancy. 

Reflecting on her time at Care Net, Maya said, “For the first time in my pregnancy, I thought ‘Maybe I can do this. Maybe I can raise my baby.”  

With God’s grace through the support of Care Net, Mayra chose life!

A few months later, Mayra shared: 

“Before coming to Care Net, I thought I was going to be all alone in this pregnancy; but today I know I don’t have to raise my unborn daughter, Malahni, alone. If it wasn’t for Care Net, this story would have had a very different ending. If it wasn’t for Care Net, Malahni wouldn’t be alive today.” 

Mayra bravely chose life because the people of God surrounded her and her family with the emotional, practical, and spiritual support she needed — not just until her baby was born but for her journey as a mom!

So are pregnancy centers and pro-life people simply “pro-birth”?

Absolutely not. We understand the woman walking into our center is just as valuable as the unborn life within her and seek to value and care for both! That’s why we offer parenting support from pregnancy until the child is 4-years-old and are part of an expansive network of life-affirming ministries that provide many free resources such as medical services, housing, post-abortive support and even car maintenance!

To learn more about how we’re providing free pregnancy help to women in need in the Puget Sound area, click here. You can a part of our mission today by making pro-life donations right here on our website.

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