Care Net Mobile Clinic reopens to bring care to King County.

In 2017, we at Care Net of Puget Sound launched our mobile clinic to serve Seattle and the surrounding area. Equipped with staffing and equipment to provide limited OB ultrasounds, pregnancy tests and consultations, and limited STD testing, our mobile medical and client service team brought life-affirming care to underserved communities, especially those most targeted by abortion clinics.

In the past 6 years, God has done incredible things through this mobile (read one story here)! In fact, our King County mobile clinic provides care to one of the highest percentages of women considering abortion of all of our locations.

Last September, our King County mobile clinic was in an accident, totaled, and put out of operation. Since then, our team has worked diligently to get our mobile services back up and running so we can meet clients who are considering abortion in under-served areas.

Through an amazing set of circumstances that only God could orchestrate in collaboration with Save the Storks and thanks to donor’s support, we were able to find and purchase a replacement mobile!

After 6 months out of service, our mobile clinic reopened in Burien on March 20, 2024! We know the need is great in King County and are excited to see how God is going to continue to use this mobile clinic to bring life-affirming care to at-risk communities targeted by abortion clinics. You can learn more about our client hours and location by visiting our client website here.

King County Mobile’s verse for this year is 2 Corinthians 9:8

“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” (NIV)

2 Corinthians 9:8

Pray with us for Care Net’s King County Mobile Clinic

Would you pray with us as we relaunch our mobile clinic services? Here are some specific requests.


  • Pray that we steward this resource well, and that God will use the mobile to reach at-risk women in King County.
  • Pray for additional strategic locations to park our clinic and expand client access.
  • Pray for more volunteers so we can expand services this year. We need additional drivers, client advocates, and medical staffing.
  • Pray for women to find us and find life-affirming care at Care Net of Puget Sound.

Thank you for praying!

Did you know you can commit to praying for Care Net of Puget Sound on a regular basis? You can sign up to pray with us on a monthly, weekly or as needed basis.

You can even commit to praying for women considering abortion IN their moment of need? We simply send out a text that says “Not This One” so you can pray when we’re serving a woman considering abortion. AND, when a woman who had her mind set on abortion chooses life, we’ll send a text that says, “This One Chose Life” and when a client makes a decision for salvation, we’ll send a text that says, “This One Chose Eternal Life.” You can sign up to receive these texts today by filling out this form here and simply selecting “As needed (not this one)” on question #7. Click here to learn more about all our opportunities to pray.

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