Roe V Wade Overturned 

After 49 years and 63 million lives lost to abortion, Roe v. Wade has been overturned!

And while we rejoice at the lives that will be saved through this ruling, we know that this is not the finish line. In many ways, this is simply the beginning of a new era of reaching vulnerable women and families with the life-affirming support they need.

Though this historic decision will impact abortion rights in many states across the United States, this ruling has effectively no impact on abortion access in Washington state.

Abortion was legalized in Washington State in 1970 before Roe V. Wade and under current law, abortion will continue to be legal in our state. Likely thousands of women will begin flooding into Washington in search of abortions. Early estimates predict a 385% increase in women coming to our state for abortions.

It is more important now than ever that we work together to provide life-affirming care to women and families in need! Would you please consider partnering with us in the following three ways?

First, Pray!

The times ahead of us are uncertain, but we are resting in God as our refuge as we serve women and families in a Post-Roe Washington State. Consider committing to praying with us for this ministry on a monthly, weekly or as needed basis by signing up here.

Second, Give.

As trigger laws go into effect across the United States banning and restricting abortions, women from surrounding areas will begin to come to Washington to get abortions. Our heart at Care Net is to meet each one of these women with care, compassion and life-affirming support, but we need your help to do it.

Make a secure, tax-deductible gift today. Every dollar will be used to continue to provide life-affirming care to women and families in your community.

Finally, help share the truth.

Women in our communities are afraid. Some believe abortion is their only hope. And now that Roe V Wade is overturned, they think abortion is illegal in Washington and all their hope is lost. These women need the support and services of Care Net to find hope in Jesus Christ for themselves and their unborn babies.

Make sure your online friends know about Care Net by following our Facebook and Instagram pages and sharing our content. If someone you know is facing an unplanned pregnancy, struggling as a mom or dad or hurting from a past abortion, we want to serve them.

Learn more about how we’re sharing the truth about this important, life-changing work by clicking here.

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Want to Support Life? Attend a Care Net 101

Not sure how to promote life? We’ll show you how! Every year in Washington, over 16,000 lives are lost to abortion. And after the overturning of Roe, the need has only grown (read more here). Leaders in our state have taken steps to protect abortion at all costs and turn our state into a “sanctuary […]