Want to Support Life? Attend a Care Net 101

Not sure how to promote life? We’ll show you how!

Every year in Washington, over 16,000 lives are lost to abortion. And after the overturning of Roe, the need has only grown (read more here). Leaders in our state have taken steps to protect abortion at all costs and turn our state into a “sanctuary for abortion.” But we believe that God wants to use His Church in the Puget Sound area to build a Sanctuary of Life!

If you want to learn how you can be a part of supporting life, women, the unborn and life-affirming alternatives to abortion in the Puget Sound, attending a Care Net 101 is a great place to start. Whether you’re looking for volunteer opportunities, resources and referrals for yourself, your church or your organization, or a place where you can invest financially, attending a Care Net 101 is a great first step!

What is a Care Net 101?

Care Net 101 is a free overview of the issue of abortion in our state and ministry of Care Net of Puget Sound.  During this event, you’ll learn about…

  • Abortion laws in Washington State
  • What the Bible says about life
  • What free pregnancy help Care Net offers
  • Care Net of Puget Sound’s mission
  • Upcoming events
  • Opportunities to use your God-given gifts and talents to make an impact for life
  • and more… 

Come and hear stories of how at-risk women and men are empowered to choose life for their unborn child, how parents are supported in their parenting journey, how our young people are being equipped to build healthy relationships, and how individuals experience healing and peace after losing a child to abortion, miscarriage or infant loss.

Learn how each person can make a difference, from becoming a prayer partner, facilitating the relationship between Care Net and your church, answering the phone, serving as a mentor, organizing our baby boutiques, or many other roles that are a valuable aspect of the ministry.  

What can I expect?

You can expect coffee and light refreshments, an interactive presentation on abortion, examples of how Care Net is serving our communities, and to learn how everyone can be the hands and feet of Christ. The presentation is about 90 minutes, and time is given at the end of the presentation to meet face-to-face with program leaders to interact with and ask questions.

Care Net 101 gives clarity and understanding to those seeking to volunteer and learn how they can share with others. Many decide to volunteer in a program, help with a special event, or become a prayer partner. All will leave informed and take away a clearer outlook on the services of Care Net and the need for life-affirming ministry in the Puget Sound. 

How can I sign up?

We hope you’ll join us to learn about the work that’s being done in our own communities to spread life and hope to women and families all throughout the Puget Sound and how you can be a part of it!

Click here to see information on our upcoming Care Net 101s and sign up today or click the button below!

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